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Frequently Asked Questions

Read our Frequently Asked Questions. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us. Contact us on 08068081746.

  • 1. Why choose your company?
    You will receive exceptional customer service through the entire project with clear and open communication. We encourage client participation guaranteeing you of effective outcomes. You can relax knowing that your project is being managed by a knowledgeable, experienced team. We offer skilled, expert advice on both the structure and style of your home. Maxtraco Construction & Resources is a company of enduring strength and a pioneering spirit that drives us to continually find new and smarter ways to build. Our construction services have been fine-tuned over a century of building and during that time have embraced advances in technology that help us build better, safer and a lower cost. Our experienced team applies today’s technology to proven building principles.
  • 2. Can you guide us through the design process of larger works?
    Yes. We can have our architect draw up your plans and James, with his decades of experience, can offer advice and suggestions to match your budget.
  • 3. Can I call MAXTRACO afterwards for additional info or questions?
    Yes, most home improvement projects will change, sometimes greatly from your original plan. Feel free to call us to discuss your revised plans or thoughts.
  • 4. Your web site says you take no payment until the work is completed. Most other contractors require a deposit, often as much as a third down and more when they arrive to start work. How can you do this?
    It all depends on the type of projects and the uderstanding between uss and the client. commitment may be required to show seriousnes.We are well financed, and since most of our projects are completed in days or weeks, we can easily extend a no down payment policy to our customers. More importantly, most people are very wary of putting money down after just a visit or two from a sales consultant. Since you are usually dealing with a contractor for the first time, people are often nervous in dealing with a little known company. The tales of woe from customers having a bad experience with a contractor happens way too often. Since we know we are going to build your project to your complete satisfaction, you can feel confident and rest easy as we complete your project.
  • 5. What products do you use?
    On most projects we use one or some combination of building and construction materials according to specification and regulatory standards. We can recommend products or build using your choice of products.
  • 6. How can I tell if your estimate is a fair one?
    If you are planning to obtain several estimates, it is best if you have each company quote you for the same specifications of products and services to allow you to do an apples to apples comparison. There are of course, big differences from one company to another but getting like estimates if often a good way to start the process of picking a contractor.
  • 7. Do you provide planning and permit services?
    Yes, We provide all the services needed to get your project from planning to completion. All permits will be obtained and displayed on site.
  • 8. Do you get all needed inspections?
    Yes, we call for inspections as needed. We can then resume work after we get approved to continue.
  • 9. Do we have to be there during construction?
    for new projects, you go and relax with peace of mind until we deliver the project. In the case of additions we often need to have access to your home; sometimes for just a few hours. Ask your sales consultant for more information regarding this.
  • 10. When you start a project will you be there every day until you finish?
    Yes, we are whenever possible. We cannot work while awaiting an inspection and approval to proceed. We also generally cannot work in inclement weather or without requisite resources needed for project execution.
  • 11. Do you use subcontractors?
    No, we do not on our primary work. We have other qualified contractors for specilized services or other trades as needed. We have used these contractors for many years. We can of course, work with a contractor of your choice if you wish.
  • 13. After I sign the contract when will you begin the work?
    We need to first get permits and after that we will order the materials needed and schedule the work. Our backlog of work is almost always 3 to 4 weeks. Build times are often longer in spring and early summer and tails off a little as cold weather approaches. Any contractor that can start work quickly is either moving you ahead of others or is not very busy. If they're not busy, that should raise questions in your mind. Please try to plan your project with respect to any contractor lead-times.
  • 14. Who manages the projects?
    MAXTRACO GROUP manages all her projects. we will be your point of contact throughout the process.
  • 15. There are lots of contractors out there, why should we choose your company?
    In today's tough economy, where the construction industry has perhaps suffered the most, buyer beware becomes even more important. We are not a company in another construction field that is now 'stretching' into a new market. You can rest assured in our ability to build your project quickly, efficiently and completely. We are so confident in our work that we have a 'no money down' policy; we don't get paid until you, the customer are completely satisfied.

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